New Court Ruling about Mandatory Vaccinations

The Lawsuit:

  • In Texas, a lawsuit was filed against Houston Methodist by 117 unvaccinated employees who were told to get vaccinated or lose their jobs

  • Their argument is that the vaccine is still considered experimental and that they "are being forced to serve as human 'guinea pigs.’”

The Ruling:

  • A judge dismissed the case saying

  • "This claim is false, and it is also irrelevant.”

  • By refusing to be vaccinated they are going against the hospital’s judgement that vaccines will make things safer for the other workers and the patients

The EEOC’s Stance:

  • Businesses generally may require workers who enter a physical workplace to be vaccinated

  • However, businesses must consider reasonable accommodations for religious or disability reasons

Your Takeaways:

  • This ruling was for a hospital, not a church or ministry

  • Places may be able mandate vaccines and possibly terminate those who refuse to comply, but this must be handled the same across the board

  • This should be the last resort

And Remember:

Some states may have different guidelines, so double check with your state before drawing a line in the sand with a permanent marker!

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