Beat the Summer Slump

It seems like the summer months just have a way of draining things. The kiddie pool, your vacation fund, and your energy: it all just wastes away. Productivity at work is the furthest thing from everyone’s mind, but it doesn’t have to be. 


This “summer slump,” can be avoided with a little strategic planning. While different departments have different ebbs and flows in their annual work cycles, the stressful times are often not countered with rest. Just as an engine can’t run without gas, employees simply sputter out. 

How goals can help. 

Clear goals are crucial for maintaining productivity. And not just setting goals (our favorites are S.M.A.R.T.) but keeping them at the forefront of your team’s mind and activities. When you maintain this focus, and allow your team to learn into its consistency, it allows more flex when the unexpected occurs. Clear goals with timelines and metrics map out the flow of the year and creates expectations for both busy and quiet seasons which can help your team better prepare for both. 

How communication can help. 

Communication is key to maintaining motivation. Goals don’t work if no one is in the loop. The whole team needs to be involved even before the conception of the goal. Ask staff members what is and is not working and what their vision for the future is. Giving team members the opportunity to weigh in creates buy-in when goals and initiatives are announced. Continue to communicate goals for as long as they’re active. Remind your people of their importance and recognize when you see progress.

How rest can help.

Goals create consistency and communication is motivating, but if the tank is on empty, you’re still not going to go very far. Taking time to truly rest and recharge on a regular basis cannot be replaced. If you have staff members experiencing a slower season, encourage them to use their vacation days. If you don’t already have one, institute a remote work policy to help those with kids home from school or hand out mid-year bonuses that make a weekend getaway a little easier to plan. 

Summer has a very different rhythm from the rest of the year, but it could be the most productive season for your team, focusing and recharging them to continue the year strong. Set goals, communicate clearly, and rest up. Fall is right around the corner. 


Need help creating procedures to help increase productivity? We’ve got the Operations Manual that can help!


Authored by the HRMS Team, a group of dedicated church HR experts who draw from extensive ministry experience to keep your organization compliant and healthy. Schedule a call and find out how we can help you simplify your organization’s HR here.

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