We get LOTS of questions about mandated reporting requirements and training. Below we’ve outlined some FAQs to the most common questions about mandated reporting and some great resources for inexpensive or free training for your ministry staff and volunteers.
Does AB506 apply to me?
If your organization is not located or operating within the state of California, AB 506 does not apply to you. You do need to comply with your state’s guidelines regarding mandated reporting. We do recommend you pay attention to what California is requiring because their regulations usually set the tone for legislation to come in other states.
What is the law?
Federal law requires each state to have procedures for requiring certain individuals to report suspected child abuse.
States must determine who has to report, how they report, and the confidentiality of the reporter’s identity.
I’m in California! Can you help with training and AB506 compliance?
We’ve got you covered. We have a page just for you!
My state doesn’t mandate it. Do we still have to do training?
Let’s just change that question to “Why wouldn’t we do training?” We want you to be protected! Do your due diligence! General training is easy and a great way to reduce risk.
Who is considered a mandated reporter?
Teachers, counselors, childcare providers, etc.
Thirteen states also include directors, employees, and volunteers at entities that provide organized activities for children (i.e., camps, day camps, youth centers, and recreation centers) – this includes churches & ministers.
Search for your state’s specific statutes here.
See the Children’s Bureau guidelines for clergy as mandated reporters here.
Protect My Ministry
Child Safety Training for Abuse and Prevention that helps protect children and families through comprehensive training for employees and volunteers.
Ministry Grid
Free Abuse Prevention and Response Training that can be assigned and tracked for each volunteer and leader in your church.