Still Have Questions About Vaccinations & Staff?

The Black & White:

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  •  Neither CDC or OSHA requires any precautions for the fully vaccinated…

    …but some state and local laws do.

  • Vaccination status is not a protected category under federal law…

    …but Montana has banned discrimination based on immunization status and others might follow.

  • Private employers can ask about vaccination status…

    …but some states have made laws against requiring documentation.

  • Unvaccinated workers should still wear a mask, stay 6’ from others, be aware of properly ventilated rooms, and wash hands often…

    …but employers can choose to still require vaccinated employees to wear masks.

The Grey Areas:

  • Be careful about creating differing policies for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated employees.

  • Consider an anonymous survey:  if staff are fully vaccinated, loosen standards, if not, keep stricter standards for all.

  • Consider “reasonable accommodations” for unvaccinated employees with disability-related and religious reasons.

  • Don’t exclude unvaccinated employees from meetings or opportunities—this is just inviting a lawsuit.

  • Bottom line? Consider employee morale before you implement new policies!

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