Here We Go Again: Delta Variant Ramping Up


Just when it seemed like we were settling in to a new normal, here we go again. Here’s what you need to know and do:

What to Know:

  1. COVID cases are on the rise due to the new Delta variant (more contagious)

  2. More organizations are considering (or have already instituted) mandating vaccines for all staff

  3. Many cities/states are starting to require masks again for EVERYONE indoors, regardless of vaccination status

  4. Other states are fighting reinstituting mask mandates

In the News:

  • CA governor is requiring vaccinations for all teachers

  • Many preschools & childcare programs are requiring staff to be vaccinated

  • Disney, Walmart, Tyson foods are requiring workers to get vaccinated

  • CNN recently fired 3 staff for entering the building not vaccinated

  • A Houston hospital fired 150 staff who were not vaccinated

What to Do

Things can feel like a hot mess without a plan.

  1. Carefully review the rules for your specific state

  2. Determine the guidelines you will implement for staff & those you serve

    • Regarding masks

    • Regarding vaccinations

    • Regarding testing positive for COVID

  3. Play things by “ear” (i.e. be adaptable day by day)

  4. Pay attention to updates—things change daily and there are lots of lawsuits pending

  5. Communicate, communicate, communicate! Don’t rush to declare the future —it may be different tomorrow

  6. Make sure you have a COVID policy & plan

    • For workers who test positive

    • For workplace safety guidelines


Does the CDC require mask wearing in your county? Check out this map from the CDC website for your answer.

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