5 Reasons You Can’t Miss This HRMP Cohort

By now, you’ve heard of our HRMP cohort (pssst, you know it’s on sale this month, right??). But do you know why we love it so much and why we KNOW you will too? If you haven’t already reserved your seat, hold on to the one you’re sitting in now while we blow your mind.

The HR Ministry Professional (HRMP) cohort is a five-course masterclass that walks you through everything you need to know from onboarding to offboarding, compensation, benefits, coaching, and more. It’s formatted in bite-sized videos that fit into your already busy day and the optional “homework” assignments are actually practical HR templates that help you fill in the gaps of your organization’s HR as you go.

You might already have lots of letters behind your name and loads of HR experience, so is it actually worth it? Let me start with the easy answer: um, YES. Here are five reasons everyone working in ministry HR needs to enroll right away: 

1. What you know is dated.  

You might have been around the HR block a time or two and you probably aren’t a newbie to the ministry scene, but who doesn’t need a refresher from time to time? Revisit why your practiced “yes” is actually a “yes” so when leadership asks questions you can be confident in your answers and back them up with facts.

2. You don’t know everything. 

There’s always room to grow. Learn more about topics you haven't come across yet, recent compliance changes, and current best practices in important ministry-specific areas with lessons from leading experts with years of ministry HR experience.

3. Ministry HR is a different beast. 

Those who have been in HR for the long haul quickly realize ministry HR isn't the same as the secular world. Standardized HR certifications, while comprehensive and helpful, don't cover the intricacies of ministry HR. You might already be an HR pro, but you’ll quickly find yourself in over your head and heading in the wrong direction if you aren’t specifically prepared for the red tape you’ll encounter in a ministry setting.

4. Your ministry needs a plan. 

Information is good, but application is better. Make sure you know where and when to use all that HR goodness with grace and tact. Wisdom is not just knowing the answer but understanding when and how to implement it. HRMP helps you learn not only the “what” but the “how”, too.

5. You can’t do it alone. 

HR can be a lonely role. What better opportunity to build community than networking with other ministry HR peeps? No one in your organization is going to understand your compliance woes, and even other HR pros won’t quite grasp the stress of housing allowances or distributing giving statements. Find your people and get the support you need for the long haul. 


Now do you get why we’re so excited?