Q. "Legalized Marijuana: How does it work for faith based organizations?"
You're not the only one asking. Faith-based organizations are grappling with evolving marijuana laws and employee protections in place for Cannabis users.
Here is what you need to know:
Many state medical marijuana laws prohibit employment discrimination against applicants and employees who use medical marijuana
No state law permits employees to use or be impaired by marijuana while at work so you can discipline an employee who is under the influence or has had a positive drug test
Tighter rules exist for those in “safety-sensitive jobs." Which include:
Jobs posing a risk that "an accident could cause loss of human life, serious bodily injury, or significant property or environmental damage"
Each state differs with the definition but may include things like operating vehicles, duties involving heights, and even the care of minors
What should you do?
Check into your state laws to see if marijuana is legal and what guidelines the state has put into effect
Have a very clear and detailed drug and alcohol policy, generally located in your Staff Handbook
If you have a theological stance on marijuana usage (similar to alcohol), be sure this is detailed in your statement of faith and/or staff covenant with referenced Bible verses
Educate your staff. Younger generations have grown up in a culture of legalized marijuana and liken it to vaping or smoking