New York Expands Criminal History Record Protections
HR Ministry SolutionNew York, NY, criminal, state law, state, labor law, record, applicant, confidential, policy, policies, hiring
Missouri Earned Paid Sick Time
HR Ministry SolutionMissouri, MO, Paid Leave, paid, sick, sick leave, labor law, state law, law, health, illness, sick day, emergency, assault, minimum, hourly
Massachusetts Veteran Services Poster
Ohio Requires Detailed Pay Statements
HR Ministry SolutionOhio, OH, state, state law, law, pay stubs, pay, statement, wage, addition, deduction, wages, hours, overtime
Michigan Paid Sick Leave & Minimum Wage Changes
HR Ministry SolutionMichigan, MI, sick leave, sick, leave, Paid Leave, minimum wage, hours, mental health, health, assault, violence, child, emergency, hourly, rate, pay law, pay rate, state, state law
Q. "As a faith-based ministry, do we really need harassment prevention training?"
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, harassment prevention training, training, state, state law, lawsuit, liability, ethic, biblical, Bible, scripture, ministry
All About Form I-9
HR Ministry SolutionI9, I-9, form, tax, employee, employee file, employment, employment law, eligibility, verification, fine, error, state law, start, employer, rehire, hire, hiring, new, file, HRIS, payroll, USCIS
Q. "We hired a remote employee working in a different state. Do we need a new employee handbook?"
HR Ministry Solutionemployee, handbook, staff handbook, state, state law, remote, remote work, wage, break, leave, law, policy, policies, location, benefit, administration
Massachusetts Expands Uses of Earned Sick Time
HR Ministry SolutionMassachusetts, MA, sick leave, sick, leave, state, state law, reproductive, reproduction, spouse, health, mental health, pregnancy, loss, adoption, surrigacy
Delaware Paid Leave Deadlines
HR Ministry SolutionDelaware, state law, state, labor law, labor, Paid Leave, leave, family, medical, LaborFirst, Notice of Employee Rights, hire, notice, wage, contribution, benefits, program, payroll, deduction, DE
Q. "In light of some heated conversations, can we tell employees not to discuss politics at work?"
Q. "Do we need to give employees time off for voting?"
HR Ministry Solutionstate law, vote, voting, election, time off, leave, request, poll, notice, California, DC, District of Columbia, New York
Minnesota Paid Leave Wage Reports Due October 31, 2024
HR Ministry SolutionMinnesota, pay, wage, leave, report, state, state law, unemployment, tax, benefits, premium
Q. "Do we have to get permission to run a background check?"
HR Ministry SolutionFCRA, applicant, employee, volunteer, background, background check, right, hire, hiring, terminate, state law, legal
How Harassment Could Derail Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, harassment prevention training, behavior, training, legal, lawsuit, staff handbook, noncompliant, compliance, complaint, state, state law, law, culture, staff, staff culture, onboarding, employee, burnout, harassed, train, leader, insurance
CA Law Alert: What is Senate Bill 553?
HR Ministry SolutionCalifornia, CA, law, state, state law, Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, WVPP, hazard, healthcase, remote, violence, traniing
Essential Staff Handbook Updates
HR Ministry Solutionsummer, staff handbook, review, edit, policy, policies, compliant, state law, local, law, state, jurisdiction, labor law, addendum, federal, federal law, headcount, FTE, culture, file
Q. "An employee's paycheck was short. Can we pay the difference on the next check?"
HR Ministry Solutionpay, payroll, pay check, check, underpaid, short, employee, FLSA, state law, error, violation, timekeeping
When to Retire Your Staff Handbook
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, docu, legislation, compliant, compliance, noncompliant, federal law, federal, state, state law, local, review, update, revise, labor law, January, laws, law
Q. "What does the Staff Handbook process actually look like?"
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, advisor, legislation, state, state law, draft, policies, policy, revision, file, compliance, requirements