Missouri Earned Paid Sick Time
HR Ministry SolutionMissouri, MO, Paid Leave, paid, sick, sick leave, labor law, state law, law, health, illness, sick day, emergency, assault, minimum, hourly
Michigan Paid Sick Leave & Minimum Wage Changes
HR Ministry SolutionMichigan, MI, sick leave, sick, leave, Paid Leave, minimum wage, hours, mental health, health, assault, violence, child, emergency, hourly, rate, pay law, pay rate, state, state law
Illinois Law Updates January 2025
HR Ministry SolutionIllinois, IL, pay, benefits, job posting, promotion, reproductive, health, family, caregiving, caregiver, EEO, Equal Employment Opportunitiy, pay stubs, personnel, records, employment, verification
Massachusetts Expands Uses of Earned Sick Time
HR Ministry SolutionMassachusetts, MA, sick leave, sick, leave, state, state law, reproductive, reproduction, spouse, health, mental health, pregnancy, loss, adoption, surrigacy
Q. "What steps can we take to help manage outbreaks during flu season?"
Q. "Can we discipline an employee for working another job during FMLA?"
HR Ministry SolutionFMLA, leave, sick, sick leave, benefit, moonlighting, recover, medical, health, discipline
Q. "How many sick days do we have to give employees?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor law, state, sick leave, leave, illness, medical, hours, California, germs, health, benefit, benefits, sick day
Q. "We have an employee working through their lunch break. Can we require them to take it?"
HR Ministry Solutionlunch, break, breaks, employee, employer, state, state law, rest, meal, burnout, compliance, noncompliant, health, productivity, discipline, compliant
Managing & Maximizing Healthcare Solutions Well
HR Ministry Solutionhealth, healthcare, health care, benefit, benefits, premiums, employee, copay, deductible, coinsurance, insurance, bill, expense, plan, hospital, premium, HSA, HRA, telehealth, healthshare, Remodel health, webinar, market
Q. "What is the difference between an HSA and a FSA?"
HR Ministry SolutionHSA, FSA, health, health care, insurance, flexible, spending, account, savings, tax, benefit, contribution, flexibility, fund, doctor, healthy, reinbursement, eligible, employer, employee, deductible, medical, HRA, COBRA, benefits, health insurance
Unleashing the Potential of Performance Evaluations
HR Ministry Solutionevaluation, performance, organization, review, annual, coaching, coach, leader, mentor, mentoring, mentorship, culture, staff culture, document, goal, goals, timeline, conduct, performance plan, communicate, expectations, encouragement, conversation, intentional, community, job description, classification, employee, e, employer, employee file, transition, terminate, termination, fire, fired, firing, offboard, offboarding, meeting, expectation, metric, board, elder, senior, chart, tier, care, health, healthy
Q. "What is FMLA and how does it apply to us?"
HR Ministry SolutionFMLA, leave, unpaid, benefits, benefit, employer, FTE, mother, birth, foster, adopt, child, spouse, parent, health, military
Q. "What about menopause in the workplace?"
HR Ministry Solutionmenopause, women, woman, retention, anxiety, harassment, employee, employer, health, discrimination, harassed, statement, policy, policies, role, resource
Are Furry Coworkers in Your Future?
HR Ministry Solutionremote, cat, dog, pet, child, kid, pet-friendly, Washington Post, stress, allergies, fear, animals, employee, staff handbook, handbook, health, healthy, flex, flexibility, remote work, communicate
How to Encourage Fitness in the Workplace
HR Ministry Solutionhealth, healthy, fitness, workplace, employee, productive, focus, creative, morale, culture, accountability, incentive, healthier, insurance, health care
Burnout in Your Ministry: Make the Change, 8 Ways to Guard Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, mental health, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, working hours, remote, remote work, time off, PTO, leave, vacation, holiday, flex, flexible, flexibility, phone, schedule, lifestyle, clarity, clear, communicate, communication, listen, accountability, recognition, one-on-one, meeting, employee, employer, personal, professional, equip, technology, equipment, optimize, fun, donut, birthday, milestone, party, family, ministry, mission, goal, audit
Burnout in Your Ministry: Identify the Cause
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, pastor, depression, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, home, responsibility, role, cogregation, self care, community, vacation, PTO, time off, holiday, leave, technology, boudary, boundaries, remote, workplace, work from home, phone, email, social media, working hours, sabbath, sabbatical, weekend, workweek, office, rest, relax, retention, unplug, employee, volunteer, compliance, personnel, coach, HR On Call
Burnout in Your Ministry: Recognize the Signs
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, culture, staff culture, health, healthy, stress, COVID, emotional, cry, conversation, joy, vice, tired, exhaustion, communicate
What You Need to Know About Staff Handbooks in 2022
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, 2022, 2021, Q1, quarter, new year, handbook, organization, state, policy, policies, health, safety, leave, protected, protected classes, protected class, victim, donor, paid, sick, parent, family, medical, vaccine, Virginia, states, state law, federal law, federal, pregnant, pregnancy, accommodation, remote, dress, dress code, remote work, work from home, security, culture, staff culture, employee file, health care
Prevent the Great Resignation in Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutioninterview, exit interview, stay, stay interview, staff, compensation, audit, salary, salary range, salaries, salary structure, payroll, pay, pay gap, pay scale, compensate, onboard, onboarding, rate, analysis, Church Salary, remote, remote work, work from home, schedule, part-time, part time, full time, employee, finance, burnout, stress, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, wellness, mental health