Q. "How can we offer employees more flexibility for the summer?"
HR Ministry Solutionflexible, flexibility, retention, control, time, shift, coverage, schedule, communicate, incentive, training, start, staff handbook
Q. "We're understaffed and heading into our busiest season. How can we help staff avoid burnout?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, stress, season, understaffed, staff, busy, burnout, mental health, flexibility, Christmas, automate, outsourse, cards, state, statments
Q. "What is the difference between an HSA and a FSA?"
HR Ministry SolutionHSA, FSA, health, health care, insurance, flexible, spending, account, savings, tax, benefit, contribution, flexibility, fund, doctor, healthy, reinbursement, eligible, employer, employee, deductible, medical, HRA, COBRA, benefits, health insurance
Why You DO Need a Remote Work Policy
HR Ministry Solutionremote, policy, staff handbook, handbook, benefits, policies, flexibility, communication, remote work, pastor, pastors, benefit, position, tier, boundaries, burnout
Q. "Is a four-day work week really beneficial?"
HR Ministry Solutionremote, remote work, flexibility, balance, employee, employer, retention, productivity, hiring, benefit, benefits, staff handbook, handbook, policies, policy, communication, hours, system, volunteer
Are Furry Coworkers in Your Future?
HR Ministry Solutionremote, cat, dog, pet, child, kid, pet-friendly, Washington Post, stress, allergies, fear, animals, employee, staff handbook, handbook, health, healthy, flex, flexibility, remote work, communicate
Why Summer Break = More Stress
HR Ministry Solutionstess, burnout, beach, summer, childcare, child, kid, kids, schedule, daycare, performance, stipend, remote, flexibility, flexible, staff handbook, handbook, policy, policies
Burnout in Your Ministry: Make the Change, 8 Ways to Guard Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, mental health, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, working hours, remote, remote work, time off, PTO, leave, vacation, holiday, flex, flexible, flexibility, phone, schedule, lifestyle, clarity, clear, communicate, communication, listen, accountability, recognition, one-on-one, meeting, employee, employer, personal, professional, equip, technology, equipment, optimize, fun, donut, birthday, milestone, party, family, ministry, mission, goal, audit