4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
How Harassment Could Derail Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, harassment prevention training, behavior, training, legal, lawsuit, staff handbook, noncompliant, compliance, complaint, state, state law, law, culture, staff, staff culture, onboarding, employee, burnout, harassed, train, leader, insurance
5 Lies About Ministry HR
HR Ministry Solutioncompliance, compliant, culture, foundation, burnout, priority, policy, procedure, business, violation, structure, audit, ong, HR On Call Online
Q. "How can we resolve to improve our HR in 2024?"
HR Ministry SolutionHR, resolution, resolutions, new year, compliance, compliant, staff handbook, compensation, audit, minimum, minimum wage, wage, procedure, harassment, harassment prevention training, training, HRMP, burnout, culture, cheat sheets, labor law, 2024
Q. "We're understaffed and heading into our busiest season. How can we help staff avoid burnout?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, stress, season, understaffed, staff, busy, burnout, mental health, flexibility, Christmas, automate, outsourse, cards, state, statments
Q. "We have an employee working through their lunch break. Can we require them to take it?"
HR Ministry Solutionlunch, break, breaks, employee, employer, state, state law, rest, meal, burnout, compliance, noncompliant, health, productivity, discipline, compliant
Why You DO Need a Remote Work Policy
HR Ministry Solutionremote, policy, staff handbook, handbook, benefits, policies, flexibility, communication, remote work, pastor, pastors, benefit, position, tier, boundaries, burnout
Why Sick Leave Isn’t Enough
HR Ministry Solutionleave, sick, paid, unpaid, mandate, rest, illness, California, benefit, benefits, burnout, retention, communication, PTO, family, bereavement, military, pregnant, pregnancy, discrimination, discriminate, parent, adopt, foster, disabil, disability, time off, culture, staff culture
Q. "Can we require employees to do extra work outside their scheduled hours?"
HR Ministry Solutionemployee, exempt, nonexempt, schedule, staff handbook, handbook, pay period, pay, position, burnout, morale, hours
Why Summer Break = More Stress
HR Ministry Solutionstess, burnout, beach, summer, childcare, child, kid, kids, schedule, daycare, performance, stipend, remote, flexibility, flexible, staff handbook, handbook, policy, policies
Burnout in Your Ministry: Make the Change, 8 Ways to Guard Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, mental health, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, working hours, remote, remote work, time off, PTO, leave, vacation, holiday, flex, flexible, flexibility, phone, schedule, lifestyle, clarity, clear, communicate, communication, listen, accountability, recognition, one-on-one, meeting, employee, employer, personal, professional, equip, technology, equipment, optimize, fun, donut, birthday, milestone, party, family, ministry, mission, goal, audit
Burnout in Your Ministry: Identify the Cause
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, pastor, depression, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, home, responsibility, role, cogregation, self care, community, vacation, PTO, time off, holiday, leave, technology, boudary, boundaries, remote, workplace, work from home, phone, email, social media, working hours, sabbath, sabbatical, weekend, workweek, office, rest, relax, retention, unplug, employee, volunteer, compliance, personnel, coach, HR On Call
Burnout in Your Ministry: Recognize the Signs
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, culture, staff culture, health, healthy, stress, COVID, emotional, cry, conversation, joy, vice, tired, exhaustion, communicate
Prevent the Great Resignation in Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutioninterview, exit interview, stay, stay interview, staff, compensation, audit, salary, salary range, salaries, salary structure, payroll, pay, pay gap, pay scale, compensate, onboard, onboarding, rate, analysis, Church Salary, remote, remote work, work from home, schedule, part-time, part time, full time, employee, finance, burnout, stress, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, wellness, mental health
Let’s Unplug Christmas
Amanda Baranowskiunplug, technology, burnout, communication, Christmas, health, healthy, benefits, boundaries, expectations, text, phone, time off, PTO, vacation, holiday, volunteer, December, winter, appreciation, staff culture, staff, rest, recharge, habit