Q. "Can we let staff that work Sundays choose an extra day off?"
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, day off, off, vacation, PTO, off day, culture, staff culture, office, hours, workweek, working hours, break, boundaries, rest, staff
Q. "We have an employee working through their lunch break. Can we require them to take it?"
HR Ministry Solutionlunch, break, breaks, employee, employer, state, state law, rest, meal, burnout, compliance, noncompliant, health, productivity, discipline, compliant
Why Sick Leave Isn’t Enough
HR Ministry Solutionleave, sick, paid, unpaid, mandate, rest, illness, California, benefit, benefits, burnout, retention, communication, PTO, family, bereavement, military, pregnant, pregnancy, discrimination, discriminate, parent, adopt, foster, disabil, disability, time off, culture, staff culture
Burnout in Your Ministry: Identify the Cause
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, pastor, depression, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, home, responsibility, role, cogregation, self care, community, vacation, PTO, time off, holiday, leave, technology, boudary, boundaries, remote, workplace, work from home, phone, email, social media, working hours, sabbath, sabbatical, weekend, workweek, office, rest, relax, retention, unplug, employee, volunteer, compliance, personnel, coach, HR On Call
Let’s Unplug Christmas
Amanda Baranowskiunplug, technology, burnout, communication, Christmas, health, healthy, benefits, boundaries, expectations, text, phone, time off, PTO, vacation, holiday, volunteer, December, winter, appreciation, staff culture, staff, rest, recharge, habit