All About Form I-9
HR Ministry SolutionI9, I-9, form, tax, employee, employee file, employment, employment law, eligibility, verification, fine, error, state law, start, employer, rehire, hire, hiring, new, file, HRIS, payroll, USCIS
Q. "Do churches need to post labor law posters?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor law, state, federal, employer, display, poster, wage, hour, laws, discrimination, FLSA, Fair Labor Standards Act, EEO, Equal Employment Opportunity, statement of faith, Church Law & Tax, disclaimer, Department of Labor
Staff Handbooks vs. Cheat Sheets: Which is Right for Me?
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, staff, labor law, laws, cheat sheets, rules, regulations, communication, compliance, policy, policies, employee, employer, state, benfit, benefits, behavior, culture, expectations, growth, foundation, document, documents, compliant, law, labor, advisor, minimum wage, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, breaks, pay laws, vacation, leave, maternity, harassment, harassment prevention training, sexual
Q. "Do we need to tell employees when employment laws change?"
HR Ministry Solutionemployee, labor law, law, employer, human resources, payroll, manager, leadership, legal, change, update, law updates, policy, policies, compliance, staff handbook, right
Maine PFML Contributions Begin January 1, 2025
HR Ministry SolutionMaine, ME, paid, family, medical, leave, PFML, employer, empl, Department of Labor, contri, protection, notice, hire, program
4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
Why You Should Never Ignore an Employee Complaint
HR Ministry Solutioncomplaint, employee, employer, organization, culture, toxic, scandal, legal, harassment, sue, behavior, case, sexual, protected, staff handbook, handbook, report, document, staff culture
Q. "We have an employee working through their lunch break. Can we require them to take it?"
HR Ministry Solutionlunch, break, breaks, employee, employer, state, state law, rest, meal, burnout, compliance, noncompliant, health, productivity, discipline, compliant
Q. "Can I give my employees gift cards for the upcoming holidays?"
HR Ministry Solutiongift, gift card, wages, pay, payroll, IRS, de minimis, employee, employer, tax, tax law, taxable, discretionary, nondescretionary, bonus, bonuses, overtime, ongoing, holiday
Q. "What is the difference between an HSA and a FSA?"
HR Ministry SolutionHSA, FSA, health, health care, insurance, flexible, spending, account, savings, tax, benefit, contribution, flexibility, fund, doctor, healthy, reinbursement, eligible, employer, employee, deductible, medical, HRA, COBRA, benefits, health insurance
3 Things Job Descriptions are Not
HR Ministry Solutionjob description, document, documents, position, accurate, comprehensive, legal, direction, clarity, communication, parameters, review, evaluation, compensation, classification, static, dynamic, performance, annual, collaborate, duty, duties, employee, e, employer, foundation, relationship, bundle, DIY
Unleashing the Potential of Performance Evaluations
HR Ministry Solutionevaluation, performance, organization, review, annual, coaching, coach, leader, mentor, mentoring, mentorship, culture, staff culture, document, goal, goals, timeline, conduct, performance plan, communicate, expectations, encouragement, conversation, intentional, community, job description, classification, employee, e, employer, employee file, transition, terminate, termination, fire, fired, firing, offboard, offboarding, meeting, expectation, metric, board, elder, senior, chart, tier, care, health, healthy
Q. "What's the latest on I-9s and how does it affect my organization?"
HR Ministry SolutionI-9, form, forms, audit, labor law, labor, employee, employer, verification, visa, rehire, new hire, hiring, employee file, termination
Q. "Most federal employment discrimination laws kick in at a certain number of employees. How do we accurately count ours?"
HR Ministry SolutionEEOC, employee, employer, full time, part time, laws, federal, ADA, Title VII, Act, discrimination, state, FEHA, policy, discriminate, local
Q. "Is a four-day work week really beneficial?"
HR Ministry Solutionremote, remote work, flexibility, balance, employee, employer, retention, productivity, hiring, benefit, benefits, staff handbook, handbook, policies, policy, communication, hours, system, volunteer
Q. "Am I required to pay overtime to employees who work on holidays?"
Q. "What is FMLA and how does it apply to us?"
HR Ministry SolutionFMLA, leave, unpaid, benefits, benefit, employer, FTE, mother, birth, foster, adopt, child, spouse, parent, health, military
Q. "What about menopause in the workplace?"
HR Ministry Solutionmenopause, women, woman, retention, anxiety, harassment, employee, employer, health, discrimination, harassed, statement, policy, policies, role, resource
Don’t Skip the Reference Check
HR Ministry Solutionreference, check, hiring, new, new hire, employer, Interview, interview, references, background, background check, discriminate, phone, sensitive, applicant, risk
Q. "Can a part-time employee be exempt?"
HR Ministry Solutionexempt, nonexempt, salary, salaries, part-time, employee, employer, overtime, over, time, time card, full time, FLSA, exception, pay, payroll, pay laws