Posts tagged Church Law & Tax
Q. "Do churches need to post labor law posters?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor law, state, federal, employer, display, poster, wage, hour, laws, discrimination, FLSA, Fair Labor Standards Act, EEO, Equal Employment Opportunity, statement of faith, Church Law & Tax, disclaimer, Department of Labor
How to State Your Stance on Substance Use
HR Ministry Solutionsubstance, substance use, marijuana, cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, staff lifestyle agreement, statement of faith, staff handbook, Church Law & Tax, The Church Lawyers
Why Harassment Training Isn’t Enough
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, training, sexual, Church Law & Tax, harassed, culture, compliance, harassment prevention training, transparency, toxic, respect, discrimination, disciplinary, communication, course, mandate, consulting
Employees and Contractors and Churches...Oh My!