4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
Q. "We're understaffed and heading into our busiest season. How can we help staff avoid burnout?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, stress, season, understaffed, staff, busy, burnout, mental health, flexibility, Christmas, automate, outsourse, cards, state, statments
12 Days of Christmas (Staff Gift Edition!)
HR Ministry SolutionChristmas, gift, gift card, gifts, staff, staff culture, culture, holiday, holidays, budget, value, breakroom, Prime, wages, thank, encourage, encouragement, custom, Dash, HRMP, cohort, education, office, party, family, leave, PTO, New Year, closed, close, off
Q. "Can I give my employees gift cards for the upcoming holidays?"
HR Ministry Solutiongift, gift card, wages, pay, payroll, IRS, de minimis, employee, employer, tax, tax law, taxable, discretionary, nondescretionary, bonus, bonuses, overtime, ongoing, holiday
Q. "We have received a lot of time off requests for summer, many overlapping. Can we approve some but deny others?"
HR Ministry Solutionvacation, time off, time card, requests, leave, policy, protected classes, protected class, discrimination, holiday, schedule, PTO, policies, staff handbook, staff
Q. "New Year’s Eve falls on a weekend when we’re closed, but we typically give employees that holiday off. Do we need to offer employees an alternative day off?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, leave, vacation, federal, law, federal law, closed, hire, new hire, pay, requirements, exempt, nonexempt, schedule
Q. "How do I approach year-end bonuses (especially when I can't afford them!)?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, bonus, bonuses, descretionary, performance, for profit, nonprofit, document, position, tier, consulting, consult, benefit, benefits
Q. "Am I required to pay overtime to employees who work on holidays?"
Burnout in Your Ministry: Make the Change, 8 Ways to Guard Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, mental health, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, working hours, remote, remote work, time off, PTO, leave, vacation, holiday, flex, flexible, flexibility, phone, schedule, lifestyle, clarity, clear, communicate, communication, listen, accountability, recognition, one-on-one, meeting, employee, employer, personal, professional, equip, technology, equipment, optimize, fun, donut, birthday, milestone, party, family, ministry, mission, goal, audit
Burnout in Your Ministry: Identify the Cause
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, pastor, depression, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, home, responsibility, role, cogregation, self care, community, vacation, PTO, time off, holiday, leave, technology, boudary, boundaries, remote, workplace, work from home, phone, email, social media, working hours, sabbath, sabbatical, weekend, workweek, office, rest, relax, retention, unplug, employee, volunteer, compliance, personnel, coach, HR On Call
Let’s Unplug Christmas
Amanda Baranowskiunplug, technology, burnout, communication, Christmas, health, healthy, benefits, boundaries, expectations, text, phone, time off, PTO, vacation, holiday, volunteer, December, winter, appreciation, staff culture, staff, rest, recharge, habit