Posts tagged mental health
Michigan Paid Sick Leave & Minimum Wage Changes
HR Ministry SolutionMichigan, MI, sick leave, sick, leave, Paid Leave, minimum wage, hours, mental health, health, assault, violence, child, emergency, hourly, rate, pay law, pay rate, state, state law
Massachusetts Expands Uses of Earned Sick Time
HR Ministry SolutionMassachusetts, MA, sick leave, sick, leave, state, state law, reproductive, reproduction, spouse, health, mental health, pregnancy, loss, adoption, surrigacy
Q. "Anyone else feeling lonely?"
Q. "We're understaffed and heading into our busiest season. How can we help staff avoid burnout?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, stress, season, understaffed, staff, busy, burnout, mental health, flexibility, Christmas, automate, outsourse, cards, state, statments
Burnout in Your Ministry: Make the Change, 8 Ways to Guard Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, mental health, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, working hours, remote, remote work, time off, PTO, leave, vacation, holiday, flex, flexible, flexibility, phone, schedule, lifestyle, clarity, clear, communicate, communication, listen, accountability, recognition, one-on-one, meeting, employee, employer, personal, professional, equip, technology, equipment, optimize, fun, donut, birthday, milestone, party, family, ministry, mission, goal, audit
Prevent the Great Resignation in Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutioninterview, exit interview, stay, stay interview, staff, compensation, audit, salary, salary range, salaries, salary structure, payroll, pay, pay gap, pay scale, compensate, onboard, onboarding, rate, analysis, Church Salary, remote, remote work, work from home, schedule, part-time, part time, full time, employee, finance, burnout, stress, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, wellness, mental health