4 Spring HR Challenges—And How to Tackle Them
HR Ministry Solutionspring, hiring, staff, vacation, volunteer, wage, law, job description, intern, labor law, full time, employee, benefit, insurance, retirement, schedule, staff handbook, policy, productivity, HR On Call
Staff Handbooks vs. Cheat Sheets: Which is Right for Me?
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, staff, labor law, laws, cheat sheets, rules, regulations, communication, compliance, policy, policies, employee, employer, state, benfit, benefits, behavior, culture, expectations, growth, foundation, document, documents, compliant, law, labor, advisor, minimum wage, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, breaks, pay laws, vacation, leave, maternity, harassment, harassment prevention training, sexual
Q. "Are there liability issues when serving alcohol at staff holiday events?"
HR Ministry Solutionalcohol, cocktail, beer, wine, staff, party, event, drunk, harassment, behavior, policy, policies, staff lifestyle agreement, staff handbook, office, hours, guest, bar, risk
4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
How Harassment Could Derail Your Ministry
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, harassment prevention training, behavior, training, legal, lawsuit, staff handbook, noncompliant, compliance, complaint, state, state law, law, culture, staff, staff culture, onboarding, employee, burnout, harassed, train, leader, insurance
Expectations Gap: Four Background Check Pitfalls that Undercut Your Church’s Security—and One Easy Way to Avoid Them
HR Ministry SolutionProtect My Ministry, PMM, background, check, background check, risk, volunteer, staff, screen, criminal
Q. "Can we let staff that work Sundays choose an extra day off?"
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, day off, off, vacation, PTO, off day, culture, staff culture, office, hours, workweek, working hours, break, boundaries, rest, staff
Staff Development in Two Steps
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, culture, development, develop, developing, people, employee, growth, success, administrative, administration, leadership, equip, hire, ecourage, account, accountability, values, value, vision, mission, tool, boundaries, HR, hr, job description, staff handbook, staff lifestyle agreement, operations manual, resource, knowledge, foundation
Q. "We're understaffed and heading into our busiest season. How can we help staff avoid burnout?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, stress, season, understaffed, staff, busy, burnout, mental health, flexibility, Christmas, automate, outsourse, cards, state, statments
12 Days of Christmas (Staff Gift Edition!)
HR Ministry SolutionChristmas, gift, gift card, gifts, staff, staff culture, culture, holiday, holidays, budget, value, breakroom, Prime, wages, thank, encourage, encouragement, custom, Dash, HRMP, cohort, education, office, party, family, leave, PTO, New Year, closed, close, off
Q. "How do we prevent inconsistencies in our pay scale?"
HR Ministry Solutionpay, payroll, payroll system, pay grade, salary, salary structure, job description, paid, benefits, culture, retention, longevity, staff
Q. "Is that meeting really necessary?"
Q. "We have received a lot of time off requests for summer, many overlapping. Can we approve some but deny others?"
HR Ministry Solutionvacation, time off, time card, requests, leave, policy, protected classes, protected class, discrimination, holiday, schedule, PTO, policies, staff handbook, staff
Staff Lifestyle Agreement: An Essential Tool for Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff lifestyle agreement, staff, staff handbook, beliefs, behavior, status, marriage, mission, onboarding, hiring, church, firing, fire, discipline, statement of faith, communication, accountability, job description, performance plan, culture, new hire
Why Onboarding and How to Do It
HR Ministry Solutiononboard, onboarding, new hire, new, hiring, culture, staff culture, staff, paperwork, tax law, salary, meeting, I-9, Interview, harassment, harassment prevention training, training, accountability, goals, communication, toolkit
Q. "What should cost of living adjustments look like for 2023?"
HR Ministry SolutionCOLA, 2023, inflation, salary, salaries, staff, compensation, bonuses, volunteer, benefits, benfit, health care, remote
7 Ways Your Church HR Misses the Mark
HR Ministry Solutionculture, compliance, time, rules, fees, fee, penalty, fine, I-9, hirine, hire, employee file, staff, pay, pay scale, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, hiring, onboarding, assessment, skills, testing, tests, firing, fire, trainin, training, harassment, harassment prevention training, liability, investing, developing, growth, noncompliant, compliant, staff handbook, handbook, benefit, benefits, federal, state, audit, webinar, blog, staff culture
Q. "Can we require staff to cover tattoos?"
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, tattoo, dress code, dress, policy, staff handbook, handbook, morale, candidate, communication, communicate
Q. "What are the basic steps of a harassment investigation?"
HR Ministry Solutionharassment, harassment prevention training, discrimination, training, sexual, legal, interview, interviewer, employee, policy, staff, staff handbook, handbook, investigation, invest, accuser, accused
Why Your Staff Handbook Doesn’t Belong on a Shelf
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, staff, handbook, compliant, COVID, labor law, law, laws, pay laws, labor, fine, employee, policies, policy, compliance