Posts tagged administrative
Q. "What’s the difference between exempt and nonexempt and how do we know which to use?"
HR Ministry Solutionexempt, nonexempt, Fair Labor Standards Act, FLSA, minimum, minimum wage, wage, overtime, workweek, hours, payroll, executive, administrative, professional, employee, test, duties, salary, Department of Labor, DOL
Staff Development in Two Steps
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, culture, development, develop, developing, people, employee, growth, success, administrative, administration, leadership, equip, hire, ecourage, account, accountability, values, value, vision, mission, tool, boundaries, HR, hr, job description, staff handbook, staff lifestyle agreement, operations manual, resource, knowledge, foundation
Q. "Can we have two versions of our Staff Handbook: one for pastoral and another for non-pastoral staff?"