Job Descriptions: the GPS to Employee Success
HR Ministry Solutionjob description, success, employee, document, guide, position, simple, role, skills, expectation, review, performance, clear, expectations, update, coaching, conversation
5 Hiring Mistakes You're Making
HR Ministry Solutionhiring, onboard, onboarding, new hire, candidate, hire, job posting, job description, job title, Chemistry Staffing, role, Interview, interview, meeting, applicant, skills, qualification, behavior, assessment, DiSC, Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, background, background check, permission, reference, discrimination, firing
7 Ways Your Church HR Misses the Mark
HR Ministry Solutionculture, compliance, time, rules, fees, fee, penalty, fine, I-9, hirine, hire, employee file, staff, pay, pay scale, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, hiring, onboarding, assessment, skills, testing, tests, firing, fire, trainin, training, harassment, harassment prevention training, liability, investing, developing, growth, noncompliant, compliant, staff handbook, handbook, benefit, benefits, federal, state, audit, webinar, blog, staff culture