Job Descriptions: the GPS to Employee Success
HR Ministry Solutionjob description, success, employee, document, guide, position, simple, role, skills, expectation, review, performance, clear, expectations, update, coaching, conversation
Q. "Our employee is using a different title on LinkedIn. Can I ask them to change it?"
HR Ministry Solutionlinkedin, social media, title, position, employee, post, role, staff handbook, job title, policy
Q. "What is the difference between a job description and a job posting?"
Q. "What about menopause in the workplace?"
HR Ministry Solutionmenopause, women, woman, retention, anxiety, harassment, employee, employer, health, discrimination, harassed, statement, policy, policies, role, resource
5 Hiring Mistakes You're Making
HR Ministry Solutionhiring, onboard, onboarding, new hire, candidate, hire, job posting, job description, job title, Chemistry Staffing, role, Interview, interview, meeting, applicant, skills, qualification, behavior, assessment, DiSC, Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, background, background check, permission, reference, discrimination, firing
Burnout in Your Ministry: Identify the Cause
HR Ministry Solutionburnout, pastor, depression, health, healthy, culture, staff culture, home, responsibility, role, cogregation, self care, community, vacation, PTO, time off, holiday, leave, technology, boudary, boundaries, remote, workplace, work from home, phone, email, social media, working hours, sabbath, sabbatical, weekend, workweek, office, rest, relax, retention, unplug, employee, volunteer, compliance, personnel, coach, HR On Call