Q. "Do we need to give employees time off for voting?"
HR Ministry Solutionstate law, vote, voting, election, time off, leave, request, poll, notice, California, DC, District of Columbia, New York
Q. "Can we deny vacation requests?"
Q. "What is the interactive process?"
HR Ministry Solutioninteractive process, ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled, disability, federal law, accommodation, employee, applicant, benefits, priviledge, manager, request, medical, compliant
Summer Travel: Who Pays What?
HR Ministry Solutiontravel, pay, reimbursement, expenses, conference, convention, laundry, lodging, car, rental, tolls, parking, airfare, luggage, train, bus, taxi, fare, tips, nonexempt, exempt, wage, childcare, personal, clothing, toiletries, hair, entertainment, cost, movie, violation, traffic, rate, hourly, overtime, hours, requests, request, expense
Q. "Can we deny vacation requests?"
HR Ministry Solutionvacation, request, requests, leave, PTO, discrimination, discriminate, policy, policies, staff handbook, handbook, empathy