Q. Our minister would like to increase his housing allowance due to higher expenses than expected. Can our board amend it?
Summer Travel: Who Pays What?
HR Ministry Solutiontravel, pay, reimbursement, expenses, conference, convention, laundry, lodging, car, rental, tolls, parking, airfare, luggage, train, bus, taxi, fare, tips, nonexempt, exempt, wage, childcare, personal, clothing, toiletries, hair, entertainment, cost, movie, violation, traffic, rate, hourly, overtime, hours, requests, request, expense
The 3 Required Steps for Housing Allowances
HR Ministry Solutionhousing allowance, housing, IRS, eligibility, eligible, ordained, license, commission, ordain, ministerial, authority, board, approval, meeting, allowance, document, employee file, employee, minister, ministr, ministry professional, estimate, annual, tax year, tax law, tax, fiscal, fiscal year, expense, expenses, taxable, income