Q. "What's the latest on I-9s and how does it affect my organization?"
HR Ministry SolutionI-9, form, forms, audit, labor law, labor, employee, employer, verification, visa, rehire, new hire, hiring, employee file, termination
Why You DO Need a Remote Work Policy
HR Ministry Solutionremote, policy, staff handbook, handbook, benefits, policies, flexibility, communication, remote work, pastor, pastors, benefit, position, tier, boundaries, burnout
2023 State Minimum Wage Increases
HR Ministry Solutionminimum wage, salary, salary structure, salary range, pay, payroll, city, cities, state, states, federal
Q. "What should cost of living adjustments look like for 2023?"
HR Ministry SolutionCOLA, 2023, inflation, salary, salaries, staff, compensation, bonuses, volunteer, benefits, benfit, health care, remote
Q. "Is there a standard dollar amount for housing allowance for pastors?"
HR Ministry Solutiondollar, housing, housing allowance, allowance, IRS, worksheet, pay, payroll, form, forms, fiscal, year, tax, taxes, tax law, salary, salary range, salaries, social security, FICA
Staff Handbooks vs. Cheat Sheets: Which is Right for Me?
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, staff, labor law, laws, cheat sheets, rules, regulations, communication, compliance, policy, policies, employee, employer, state, benfit, benefits, behavior, culture, expectations, growth, foundation, document, documents, compliant, law, labor, advisor, minimum wage, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, breaks, pay laws, vacation, leave, maternity, harassment, harassment prevention training, sexual
Q. "Most federal employment discrimination laws kick in at a certain number of employees. How do we accurately count ours?"
HR Ministry SolutionEEOC, employee, employer, full time, part time, laws, federal, ADA, Title VII, Act, discrimination, state, FEHA, policy, discriminate, local
Q. "What should we tell the staff about an employee’s absence while on leave?"
Q. "Is a four-day work week really beneficial?"
HR Ministry Solutionremote, remote work, flexibility, balance, employee, employer, retention, productivity, hiring, benefit, benefits, staff handbook, handbook, policies, policy, communication, hours, system, volunteer
Q. "Do we have to get permission to run a background check?"
HR Ministry Solutionbackground check, background, check, FCRA, permission, applicant, hiring, onboard, onboarding, new hire, discrimination
Q. "New Year’s Eve falls on a weekend when we’re closed, but we typically give employees that holiday off. Do we need to offer employees an alternative day off?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, leave, vacation, federal, law, federal law, closed, hire, new hire, pay, requirements, exempt, nonexempt, schedule
Q. "How do I approach year-end bonuses (especially when I can't afford them!)?"
HR Ministry Solutionholiday, bonus, bonuses, descretionary, performance, for profit, nonprofit, document, position, tier, consulting, consult, benefit, benefits
Q. "What should I get my staff for Christmas?"
Cheap Employee Benefits (that Don’t Come Off as Cheap)
HR Ministry Solutionbenefit, benefits, pay, payroll, pay grade, salary, salaries, ministry, pastor, pastors, budget, new hire, onboarding, onboard, hiring, vacation, PTO, compensation, volunteer, growth, mentoring, mentor, leadership, cohort, HRMP, policy, staff handbook, relationship, culture
Q. "What do I need to know about California Pay Transparency (SB 1162)?"
HR Ministry SolutionSB1162, SB 1162, law, pay, pay laws, equity, transparency, pay scale, employee, job posting, Labor Commissioner, report, exempt, compliance, DLSE, fine, penalty, nonexempt, salary, salaries, pay grade, compensation, California
Q. "Am I required to pay overtime to employees who work on holidays?"
Q. "If an employee runs out of paid time off, can we allow them to take an unpaid leave?"
HR Ministry Solutiontime off, time, unpaid, leave, FMLA, law, discrimination, state, local, laws, employee, CFRA, California
Q. "What is pay transparency and why does it matter?"
Why Sick Leave Isn’t Enough
HR Ministry Solutionleave, sick, paid, unpaid, mandate, rest, illness, California, benefit, benefits, burnout, retention, communication, PTO, family, bereavement, military, pregnant, pregnancy, discrimination, discriminate, parent, adopt, foster, disabil, disability, time off, culture, staff culture
Q. "What is FMLA and how does it apply to us?"
HR Ministry SolutionFMLA, leave, unpaid, benefits, benefit, employer, FTE, mother, birth, foster, adopt, child, spouse, parent, health, military